OBS. Detta är helt oredigerat:
"..Based on the Biblical book of Genesis account of history, creationists generally believe that dinosaurs survived the flood of Noah and coinhabited the Earth with mankind for some time.[13] If this is correct, the contribution of humans to dinosaur extinction should be considered. Humans have a natural instinct to kill any animal that possesses a threatening imposition, and reptiles of any significant size are typically killed when in the proximity of human habitats. Large reptiles the size of dinosaur would certainly be perceived as a threat and slayed by humans that possessed hunting capabilities. "
Väl skrivet. Själv kände jag att jag var tvungen att lägga till ytterligare "fakta" för att förtydliga:
"The natural instict of man to kill threatening animals is located in a part of the brain called the limbic system. This part of the brain is very much similar that seen in other predator species [1] but this should not be seen as evidence for the theory of evolution, as evolution has been refuted by thorough research by non-secular scientists. Although no proof exist of the hunting of dinosaurs by man, no scientist has ever been able to show that this was not the case."

Figure 1. Vetenskaplig återgivning av historiskt förlopp.
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